Client Overview: Founded in 2002, the 3 Brooke K-8 Schools and newly opened high school serve approximately 1,600 low-income students in the Boston area.
Project Descriptions:
150 American Legion Highway, Mattapan – renovation/conversion of 51,000 sf historic building
Budget: $18,000,000
Completed: 2014
54 Horace Street, East Boston – renovation/conversion of 48,000 sf building for K-8 school
Budget: $17,000,000
Completed: 2014
New High School, Mattapan – new construction of 93,000 sf building for grades 8-12
Budget: $40,000,000
To be completed: 2018
Role: QPD began its relationship with Brooke in 2012 and has provided site finding, negotiation and property acquisition, budget and schedule management, oversight of public process approval, team assembly and oversight of design and construction.